Te Pā o Moki - Marae Trip

Mrs Bayley and Miss Hollings' Homerooms went to Te Pā o Moki marae today!!

We had such a blast! 

We went on a bus. We were welcomed onto the marae. 

We sung Waiatas. We ate kai and said our Mihimihi. We learnt about our Te Manu Tukutuku -South Hornby Schools' cultural narrative (story). 

We had so much fun! A day full of exploring, listening and understanding new learning.

Oh and we got to see and touch (if we wanted to) short and long fin tuna (eels)!!

Oh such fun!

Not to mention, our very own principal showed us how to use harakeke to make Ika (fish)

How lucky are we!


  1. That was a very nice trip. Hugo told me all about those eels. Thanks for organizing such field trips where the kids learn outside the classroom environments.

    1. Thank you very much! It was a fantastic trip with our tamariki

  2. Thanks you for all your hard work organizing this for the children,I know Georgia loved the trip ( not so much the bus ride) Georgia was happy she got to hold an ell and enjoyed her drink of water at the marae.


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